

Friday, June 6, 2014

Reading, Fursuit and ANTHROCON!!

Okay Okay I've been reading some amazing books lately and I have to say this book already made me almost cry in despair! It's a book by Curtis Jobling called Wereworld, It's absolutely riveting and I'm enjoying every second of it! Here's the cover of the first book!
There's more books as well and I can't wait to see what happens next! Great book! I recommend it if you're a lover of werewolves you should totally read it! Also I've been reading the Fault in our Stars, and sadly to be honest I love Wereworld a lot more than it. It's just not my type of book, it's cute of course but I like the more dramatic love story. Another book I purchased at Book A Million the other day was Spirit Animals by Brandon Mull. I haven't started yet, but all the books come with a special code for a online game they have and it's really fun! I play a lot of MMO's and this game reminds me of League of Legends mixed with Diablo III, It's great, but it's for kids. But I'm a kid at heart so there's no wrong in that! Here's the Cover of the first book! 
It Looks interesting but once I finish Wereworld and the Fault in our Stars, I'll start this series as well! 

I've also been collecting signed books by my favorite authors, I just purchased a signed book of Wereworld and I cannot wait to see it! And I also purchased the first three Avalon: Web of Magicc books that are signed by Rachel Roberts! I also purchased a signed Fault in our Stars book by John Greene!! So excited to read all these great books!
Also Guys I finally found someone to make Ayala, I have received my resin blanks, but alas I have to time to work on them so I've found someone to create my character with my supplies for a reasonable price! Her name is Kiyeri, and I'm so excited!
Also my Best friend from the interwebs is coming down the 20th of June and I'm so excited, she's staying here for a few weeks and is going to anthrocon with me! I miss her so much and can't wait to see her again! We're gonna have a blast seeing all the great fursuiters there! Look for me I have red hair and will be wearing this badge!
Art by Onnanoko
Well that's about it for this week I'll write again when my friend Kaitlynn arrives in Ohio! I'm So excited I can't wait! Well I"m off Toodle Loo!